Saturday, 24 August 2013

Science in the News 2

The name of the article I read is titled "Slow Earthquakes May Foretell Larger Events," and you kind find it in the this link:

Regarding that I live in an area surrounded by volcanoes, their is more probability for an earthquake or a volcanic eruption to occur. As I read this article, many studies had been made by a Ph.D graduate named Bryan Kaproth-Gerecht that small earthquakes may be signals for larger events such as, stronger earthquakes or a volcanic eruption. The reason of why the author is informing this to us is to let us know that new research is being made to predict future natural disasters, so people are noticed and have time to get protected from them. The relation I have with this article is that I live on volcanic area, therefore I have to be more informed with this type of news. Even though, researchers are not 100% accurate with an exact guess of when a natural disaster will occur, they are getting closer and closer every time.

As I said before the relation of where I live and this article gives me information for the area around me.  The author of the article wrote this issue like in a kind of positive of way, meaning that everyday more and more research material is created for discoveries to be more accurate. In that, I agree with him, every day more and better improvements are made in favour for a better life. I think the author did included enough supporting evidence to position his side regarding science. For example, the results that Ph.H Bryan Kaproth-Gerecht and research from Penn State geoscientists was very convincing data. This article gives a very positive view for the future, from a scientist side because this means that in the future, scientists will have more advanced technology to go on with their experiments.

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